
Sunday, February 20, 2011


Wow - has it really been 9 days since I last posted? That's probably because SO MUCH has been going on!

I have a few posts lined up and waiting in the wings - just tumbling them around a little bit more before setting them out.

Most importantly (but in no order here), this is what's been spinning:

  • Went to court ordered mediation with The Ex over custody of Agent M (0_0)
  • School!!! School!!! School!!! Kicking my bootay!!! 
  • The rain dang near flooded my patio, and also ruined all the wooden furniture that I had just uncovered (oops). Clean up has not been easy, but it's pretty much done.
  • The Valentine's Day adventure Agent M and I embarked on was a success, but not without a few bumps. 
  • There's a weighty issue I've been needing to handle and have been putting off - but I am getting ready to take it head on!
  • My house is in shambles - to the point that I'm devoting most of Monday to catching back up. I'm even tempted to get a decaf coffee and pull an all-night-cleaning-spree.  
  • School!!! Work!!! Did I mention that I am terribly behind? I have a test in one class on Wednesday, two tests to turn in for another class today, 1 assignment due Wednesday, a 30 page handout on Narrative to read ASAP, 2 more articles to write (late work, ugh!), a blog post to come up with, not to mention a real post for here and some housekeeping that needs to be done for this site....and I really should finish my business cards this week...
  • Lots of paperwork needs to get to my attorney this week, which means I need to get to the library and print it all out in the next...30mins!
  • I'm STILL carless!!!! ARGH!!!!!!! I am so lucky and thankful to the person working on it, and to the friend who has let me borrow her car often, but oh how I wish I had something of my own to use!
  • I'm going out of town this week with my parents and Agent M...and have made a whopper of a mommy-fib to Agent M about it!
So, a real update is greatly in order soon! I just have to get caught up on this homework first! That plate is threatening to topple and needs some special focus today. Hope everyone (all 6 of you wonderful, charming subscribers! I love you!!!) has a great extended weekend!!!

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